Nokia Monitor Test

Nokia Monitor Test Free Download
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Nokia Monitor Test helps you adjust your monitor to your needs

Nokia Monitor Test bundles a collection of small utilities that aim to detect the performance of CRT monitors. It’s useful especially when you want to compare two or more different monitors.

Nokia Monitor Test verifies one of the most important monitor properties such as sharpness, geometry, convergence, focus, readability, etc. For optimum results, two major conditions need to be fulfilled before you start using the application: warm up the monitor for about 20-30 minutes then demagnetize it.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you can proceed with launching the program. Since it's so small, the Nokia Monitor Test doesn't require installation, but just a quick extraction.

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How does it work? You simply put up the test pattern, and then adjust your monitor accordingly. If you know nothing about these technical aspects but you're interested in learning and understanding them, then look in the help file because it explains just about everything.

In short, Nokia Monitor Test can verify the geometry (evaluates the geometric distortion of the picture), the brightness and contrast, picture clarity, focus, moire and Jitter. None of these tests take longer than a minute, so there’s no time wasting with this application.

CPU and memory resources are barely touched. You have the advantage of portability and learning how to use it is not rocket science. Bear in mind that it was built for CRT monitors exclusively, so testing it on a different type of monitor has no relevance whatsoever.

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Nokia Test is a collection of test sthat can be used to check CRT monitor performance. The application contains test patterns for Geometry, Convergence, Resolution, Moir�, Brightness, Contrast, Focus, Readability, Color and Screen Regulation.

Nokia Mon

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