IBM Lotus Symphony 3.0.1

IBM Lotus Symphony 3.0.1 Free Download
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IBM Lotus Symphony was designed to be a productivity tools suite that provides powerful methods for integrating work across platforms. Using these tools, you can easily combine work in one of the editors with the results of work in another.

The productivity tools include the following editors that help you get your work done quickly and easily:

· IBM Lotus Documents

· IBM Lotus Spreadsheets

· IBM Lotus Presentations

Lotus Documents
With IBM Lotus Documents, you can create simple or highly structured documents include graphics, tables, charts, and spreadsheets. A number of features give you a fine degree of control over the formatting of text, pages, sections of documents and entire documents. You can save the documents in a variety of formats.

You can use Lotus Documents to create both basic documents such as memos, letters, and resumes, as well as complex documents complete with bibliographies, reference tables, and indexes.

In addition to such useful tools as a spelling checker and Instant Corrections, Lotus Documents offers a wide variety of features for designing documents. Use the Stylist to create and modify styles for paragraphs, individual characters, frames, and pages. In addition, the Navigator helps you navigate large documents, display documents in an outline view, and keep track of the objects that you have inserted into your document.

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Lotus Documents has an integrated calculation function that helps you execute sophisticated calculations or logical links. You can easily create a table in a word processing document in order to perform calculations.

Create drawings and include graphics
Lotus Documents drawing tool lets you create drawings, graphics, legends, and other types of drawings directly in your documents. You can insert graphics in JPG or GIF format into a document and edit them directly with the image editor. In addition, the Gallery provides a collection of graphics organized by theme

IBM Lotus Presentations

IBM Lotus Presentations lets you create professional page shows that can include charts, drawing objects, text, multimedia and a variety of other items. If you want, you can even import and modify Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.

For on-screen page shows, animation, Page Transitions and multimedia are a few of the techniques you can use to make your presentation more exciting.

Creating Pages
Lotus Presentations provides you with templates to create professional-looking pages.

You can also assign a number of dynamic effects to your pages, including animation and transition effects.

Creating Presentations
Several views are available when you design a screen show. For example, the Page sorter view displays an overview of your pages in thumbnail form, while the Handout view contains both the page and the text you want to distribute to the audience.

Lotus Presentations also lets you rehearse the timing of your screen show.

Publishing Presentations
You can publish your pages on-screen, as handouts, or as HTML documents.

Lotus Presentations gives you the choice of running a screen show automatically or manually.

Several views are available when you design a screen show. For example, the Page sorter view displays an overview of your pages in thumbnail form, while the Handout view contains both the page and the text you want to distribute to the audience.

Lotus Presentations also lets you rehearse the timing of your screen show.

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IBM Lotus Spreadsheets

IBM Lotus Spreadsheets is a spreadsheet application that you can use to calculate, analyze, and manage your data. You can also import and modify Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.

Lotus Spreadsheets provides you with functions, including statistical and banking functions, which you can use to create formulas to perform complex calculations on your data.

What-if calculations
An interesting feature is to be able to immediately view the results of changes made to one factor of calculations that are composed of several factors. For instance, you can see how changing the time period in a loan calculation affects the interest rates or repayment amounts. Furthermore, you can manage larger tables by using different predefined scenarios.

Arranging data
With a few mouse-clicks, you can reorganize your spreadsheet to show or hide certain data ranges, or to format ranges according to special conditions, or to quickly calculate subtotals and totals.

Dynamics charts
Lotus Spreadsheets lets you present spreadsheet data in dynamic charts that update automatically when the data changes.

Opening and saving Microsoft files
Use the productivity tools filters to convert Excel files, or to open and save in a variety of other formats.


· At least 750MB of free disk space on Linux and at least 540MB of free disk space on Windows
· At least 512MB RAM memory

What's New in This Release:
· Opening Microsoft Office 2007 documents that are protected by a password.
· More numbering and bullet styles.
· Performance enhancement for autosave.
· Homepage enhancement.

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· Editing speaker notes in normal view.
· Coping data from a spreadsheet as a link.

· Keeping formatting in DataPilot tables.
· 1 million rows support in spreadsheets
· Preserving the cell comments in Microsoft Office 2007 Excel files after save it in Lotus Symphony.

· New chart types.
· Inserting new level categories in chart data.
· Including values from hidden cells.
· Rotating text in data labels.

Key Bug Fixes:
· Cannot save files if you keep the files open on Apple Mac OS and do not touch them for several days.
· Content is lost after saving a .docx file to an .odt file that contains bookmarks across multiple table cells.
· Open .pptx file in Symphony, create new slide, the default text box goes out of slide page.
· Create a table in a presentation, input text in.

Click Here to Download

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