symbiantool 1.79

Symbiantool 1.79 Free Download
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Backup, restore, cleanup, edit, optimize, sterilize and fix Symbian MASS MEMORY storage.

Symbiantool is a very small and easy to use application that allows you to perform various tasks (backup, restore, cleanup, edit, optimize and fix) on your Symbian powered mobile phone.

Cleaning tools:
Jubbler - Cleanup registry, applications, settings, cache
Sterilizer (jubbler++) - Cleanup registry, applications, settings, index files, cache, maps, widget, personal folders, patches, thumbnails, dictionaries, demos, examples, downloads, games, backup settings. Leave only photo, video and audio.
Regkiller - quickly cleanup symbian registry, removes installed applications.
Thumbkiller - remove image thumbnails and index files - Optimizer - remove registry dead links, empty directories and orphans, to speedup phone.
Quick defrag - optimize symbian mass storage file system, to speedup file access and boot times.
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Backup tools:
Quickbak - Backup multimedia and personal documents in a click 
Quickres - Restore multimedia and personal documents in a click 
Fullbak - Backup a complete image of your symbian storage 
Fullres - Restore a complete image of your symbian storage - Custom transfer - Tranfer (copy) last photos and videos from the cellular, in a click
Custom move - Move last images and photos AWAY from cellular phone to PC, in a click
Selective files copy/move - Choose wich files, to move or copy from the cell phone to PC and vice versa
Registry backup This tool, makes a TURBO backup of the symbian registry from the phone to PC, is useful to save settings and several installed applications.
Registry restore - * Warning!! this is a destructive tool, old registry inside your phone, will be deleted and replaced with your backed up registry. This tool is useful, if you want to install, uninstall, try applications and programs (specially java) and then want, easily return to initial state.
Full delete - deletes everything from the mass storage symbian device, in a unrecoverable way, so privacy is protected, useful when selling/giving a phone, also useful to remove a previous quickbak / fullback storage from PC.

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Symfix - A scan & fix tool, that check symbian file system and try to repair its structure. Useful, as long as people keep connecting and disconnecting symbian devices from PC in a unorthodox way, this may easily lead to a file system corruption. Symfix should fix this and other kind of file system damage.

Juck - People tend to disconnect Phones, unorthodoxly from their computers, again and again, systematically... that's why, so incident percentage of data loss and malfunctioning of file system of MANY Symbian devices.. No one wants to unlock the device, wait, and disconnect. Is boring. So, Symbian tool, does it for you with a click, choose the device, and it will be disconnected from Windows in a clean and orthodox way, so you can take the USB safely away from the PC.

Snoop - Here a deep analysis tool of your Symbian phone, with many information about file system, storage, installed applications, and functional status.

Uninstaller -  This tool allow a complete and detailed unistalling of one or more applications, from the Symbian phone. This tool uses a wildcard algorithm, to index all the libraries joined to a specified application, so to deeply remove it, but is IMPORTANT to remember, when you inserted the name of the application to unistall, will remove ALSO the original application installer (.SIS or whatever), so make sure you have a full backup (Symbian Tool Fullback is quite ok for this) of everything, just if you change your mind and want to reinstall the application back, manually.

Symark - (Benchmark) This tool analyze the performance of internal data access time of the Symbian device, and the transfer rate of data from PC to the Symbian device.

Note: This companion.sis tools, are totally harmless, they do not make any permanent modification to settings, or storage memory.
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· Nag screen

What's New in This Release:
· added post-operation checks
· new warnings post-operations added

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